Version 11/22/2010, 10:02am &name1=MicheChau &name2=design and photography &menu1=about me &menu2=services &menu3=for clients &menu4=GALLERY &menu5=contact me &splash1=splash01.jpg& ©right_txt=Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. © MicheChau Design and Photography. &privacy_readmore_title1=Privacy Policy &privacy_readmore_txt1=All content included on the site, such as photographs, illustrations, images/graphics, and text ["Content"] is copyrighted by Michelle Taylor of MicheChau Designs and Photography, registered with the US Library of Congress Copyright Office and therefore fully protected under the Federal Copyright Act, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §103(a).s.
Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §501(a), it is an infringement to make an unauthorized reproduction of this Web site's Content. The Copyright Act provides for damages and penalties for copyright infringement, including statutory damages ranging from $750.00 to $150,000.00 per *each* infringement- attorney fees and costs.
Please respect my copyrights by only viewing the content of this web site on your personal computer in its live published form. Altering, printing, copying, distributing or any other use of the visual components or written material on this site is strictly prohibited. You must obtain written permission if you wish to reproduce, republish, distribute or publicly display or use the Content for any purpose, including - and especially - use on another web site. None of the Content contained within my web site is to be archived or displayed within a collection, online or offline, without my express written permission.& ///////////// ABOUT ME //////////// &home_txt1=Welcome &home_txt2=COME ON IN. I'M MICHELLE TAYLOR. If you haven't met me or have forgotten me already, I'm the short, little asian chick with a big smile ready to inspire you to enjoy life and never settle for what you're doing. I see great things for 2011, new adventures and successes, and a few life lessons along the way. Wanna jump in and join me… &home_txt3=Read more &home_txt4=Graphic Design &home_txt5=Wow, do I feel old! I've been doing graphic design for over 10 years. I decided to launch my own business 5 years ago. After working with a wide variety of customers, I have developed a special skill to fully understand my customer's style, vision and goals and capture that in the final design, even with the most minimal of instructions. You can download a pdf portfolio of my work here. | My Portfolio - 8mb | My clients have included some notable companies such as: - The Elephant Bar Restaurants - Lexus/Toyota - Farmer's Insurance - Restaurants on the Run - Hilton Family Hotels - Black and Decker - KB Homes - Hooters Restaurant - Experian Completely self-taught, I have experience with CSS/HTML coding, web design, Photoshop CS5, InDesign CS5, Illustrator CS5, DreamWeaver CS5.& &home_txt6=Photography &home_txt7=I began shooting over 5 years ago, when digital cameras just started making a strong presence and the technology took a strong upswing. I interned with some of the top photographers in the portraits and wedding business. This progressed into events, headshots, family, children, school, maternity and sports photography. I then began shooting jewelry and art products for an established Art Magazine Publisher. From there, my love for commercial and product photography blossomed. With the styling skills I developed as a jewelry photographer, along with a few great culinary classes under my belt, my passion has now progressed into the world of food and product photography. Besides business shoots, I enjoy shooting a variety of other life images. Click below to see some of my personal favorite photo galleries.
&home_txt8=my albums &home_img1=image_mt.jpg& &home_readmore_title1=My Social Networks &home_readmore_title2=My Personal Albums &home_readmore_txt1=I have to admit, I haven't embraced the whole social networking thing. Actually, I feel like I'm getting pushed in, kickin' and screamin'. But sometimes, you just gotta jump in with both feet...but they're still kickin'. FACEBOOK Will you be my BFF. Simply click here and go straight to my Facebook page. MY BLOG Follow my progress, growth and adventure in art, photography, business and entrepreneurship. &home_readmore_txt2=Here are a few personal albums that I hope you'll enjoy. SAN DIEGO WILD ANIMAL PARK AND SEA WORLD SAN DIEGO This album was taken during a great mommy-daughter weekend in San Diego this past summer. It was tricky keeping the camera dry from Shamu but it was so worth it.

My very first NFL game, even though it was a practice game, was super cool. I then got to go to their pre-season game in San Diego against the Chargers. I felt so out of place not wearing a jersey though. My heels and dress just didn't blend.

A BEAUTIFUL KITTY, LIL' G, 2010 This is my best friend's first little kitty. His coloring is so beautiful, I just had to do a complete photoshoot of him.& ///////////// SERVICES //////////// &about_txt1=Design Services &about_txt2= I specialize in print and online web designs for corporations and restaurants. Though I have worked with large customers with big budgets, I also support small business owners who are struggling to develop high-end, quality advertisements and marketing materials on a small budget. I am not an agency with big overheads and big egos. I understand your struggles, as well as your passion, to make your business a success. Your business deserve quality designs to make the best first impression. See below for a price list of general projects. My hourly design rate is $59 per hour, but can vary based on the specific task. In addition to my design services, I have a team of experts ready to meet any other needs you have to make your business a success. We work together in collaboration to provide the best service and consultation to drive customers to your business. See my Contact Me screen for their contact information. Their services include: - Direct Marketing Expertise - Promotional Campaign Expertise - Printing Services - Apparel and Promotions Products - Market Study and Survey Expertise - IT Computer Repair and Service & &about_txt3=Photography Services &about_txt4=I specialize in product, commercial and food photography. See below for a price list of general projects. Included in all photography is the following services: - Expert retouching of imperfections - Expert color correction - Web optimized image @ 72 dpi - Full resolution image @ 300 dpi - Preservation of natural shadows - Seamless white background - Online review of proof photos - Online gallery of high resolution photos Be confident that your images will be of the highest quality and resolution. My collection of top professional photography equipment includes: - Nikon D700 12.1 megapixal Medium Format - Nikon D200 10.2 megapixal - Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 G ED - Nikon VR 70-200mm f/2.8 IF-ED - Nikon Macro 60mm f/2.8 - Nikon 50mm f/1.4 - Nikon SB-800 AF Speedlight& &about_txt5=Price list by Project Type &about_txt6=I understand my clients have tight budgets, especially in the economic environment of today. My design and photography rates can be customized to fit that budget. Listed here is a base price for standard projects. However, for a customized quote, please call to discuss the specific needs of your project. &about_txt7=Price list &about_img1=image_bamboo.jpg& &about_readmore_title1=Design and Photography Price List &about_readmore_txt1=
Prices below may vary based on the needs of your individual project and its requirements. - Logo Design, starts at $349 - Brand Identity (logo, letterhead, envelope, business card), starts at $749 - Restaurant Menu, starts at $125 per page - Advertisement and flyers (quarter-page), starts at $75 - Advertisement and flyers (full-page), starts at $149 - Brochures, Catalogs, and Slicks , $99 per page - PowerPoint Presentations, starts at $29 per slide (min. 10 slides) WEBSITE AND ONLINE DESIGNS PROJECTS Prices below may vary based on the needs of your individual project and its requirements. - 3-page Website, starts at $449 - 5-page Website, starts at $699 - 10-page Website, starts at $1299 - Customize third-party website layout, starts at $349 - Website monthly maintenance and update, starts at $149 - Internet Ad Banner, starts at $49 - Flash Ad Banner, starts at $99 - Email Blast, starts at $99 FOOD AND PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY ON STANDARD WHITE BACKGROUND Prices below may vary based on the needs of your individual project and its requirements. Projects usually complete within approximately 1-2 weeks from product arrival. - Single photo, $70 - 2-4 photos, $40 per photo - 5-9 photos, $35 per photo - 10-19 photos, $30 per photo - 20-49 photos, $25 per photo - 50-99 photos, $22 per photo - 100 or more photos, please call to discuss STAGED AND STYLED FOOD AND PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY Pricing for this type of photography can range from simple styling to complex staging and lighting. The complexity of the image will determine the amount of time required to set up the proper shot. A photo similar to the one shown here can start at $150, which includes food styling and staging. Volume discounts are available. For a firm quote, please call to discuss a custom pricing for your particular project. & ///////////// FOR CLIENTS ONLY //////////// &services_txt1=Client Links &services_txt2=- Oki Doki Restaurant, Costa Mesa - Oki Doki Restaurant, Tustin - Loaded Granola - Pit Stop Subs (coming soon) &services_txt3=Corporate Accounts &services_txt4=The Elephant Bar Restaurant
An Asian American fusion restaurant with over 45 locations throughout the country. &services_txt5=gallery> &services_txt6=Restaurants on the Run
A corporate catering delivery firm, delivering to Seattle, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Inland Empire, Orange Country and San Diego. &services_txt7=gallery> &services_txt8=SoCal Gladiators
The Southern California Gladiators, a semi-pro football team based out of Orange County, CA. &services_txt9=gallery> &services_txt10=Online Gallery &services_txt11=All clients will have immediate access to a professional online gallery of their designs and photos where they can access from anywhere, at anytime. Designers, associates, friends and family can download comp files or order any size prints processed at the highest quality lab. Galleries are password protected for your protection. &services_txt12= &services_img1=image_ebar.jpg& &services_img2=image_rotr.jpg& &services_img3=image_gladiators.png& &services_readmore_title1=& &services_readmore_title2=& &services_readmore_title3=& &services_readmore_title4=& &services_readmore_txt1=& &services_readmore_txt2=& &services_readmore_txt3=& &services_readmore_txt4=& ///////////// contacts //////////// &contacts_txt1=Contact Me &contacts_txt2=Michelle Chau Taylor MicheChau Designs and Photography Located in sunny Orange County , California (home of the original shallow housewives and yummy Lee's Sandwich) Telephone: 714. 856. 8985 E-mail: &contacts_txt3=My Expert Team &contacts_txt4=Heidi Carmony, Busybee Marketing Telephone: 714. 749. 4925
E-mail: With over 30 years experience in communicating top brands most essential assets, they will analyze, design and strategically execute your business goals. They pride themselves in big agency solutions at home office prices. Chad Buonauro, ABF Printing Telephone: 714. 488. 7865
E-mail: Marketing Solutions and Apparel Nicole Cook, Help My PC Telephone: 949. 940. 8700
E-mail: Computer Consulting Ed deFerante, DT Marketing Telephone: 949. 836. 7601
E-mail: Offers solutions for loyalty marketing and market study needs, from simple email blasts to refer-a-friend programs and full survey campaigns with secure online coupon delivery.& &contacts_txt5=Contact Form &contacts_txt6=I DON'T BITE!
CALL or EMAIL for additional information or to discuss your project in detail...or to just shoot the breeze. &contacts_txt7=clear &contacts_txt8=submit &contacts_img1=contacts01.jpg& &file_prelouder=1&